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Politique de confidentialité

Privacy Policy - Information for users / website visitors regarding the processing of personal data

This information is provided to inform regarding the principles regulating the use, concerning confidentiality, of personal data provided by users / visitors who use our web services. 
This page describes how the site works with regard to the processing of personal data of users / visitors who consult it. This information is provided in the framework of the EU Regulation 2016/679 as well as in accordance with the current legislation on the security of personal data, for those who wish to interact with the services of this site, starting from the u.r.l.
This notice applies solely to and does not apply to any other website which may be reached through any links present.

Data controller and place of processing
The website
•    belongs to Hotel Corallo di Alfonso Fiorentino & C S.r.l., vat no. IT 05463741214, at whose headquarters in via Nuovo Rione Cappuccini n.12 - 80065 Sant'Agnello (NA), the treatments related to the management of any services and requests made through said site are carried out by a dedicated internal staff in charge. As a data controller, Hotel Corallo di Alfonso Fiorentino & C S.r.l. is committed to ensuring compliance with the current personal data security laws;
•    is entrusted in maintenance, for content management, to Qnt S.r.l.;
•    is hosted on a web platform owned by Server Plan S.r.l, in a data centre located in Italy, where treatments related only to technical services take place.
Other external parties that may need to have access to the personal data on the site will eventually be appointed as data processors by the controller. The updated list of data processors can be requested from the data controller.

Users / visitors are required to read this information carefully before submitting any personal information and / or filling in any electronic form on the site. By visiting the website you implicitly accept the practices described in this privacy statement.

Purpose and legal basis of the processing
The personal data given by users/visitors following any requests and/or the use of services managed by the website are used for the sole purpose of responding to the request and/or managing the service, and are communicated to third parties only if this is necessary. The legal basis of these treatments, in this case, is the need to respond to a request from the interested party or manage a service specifically requested by the interested party. 
If the user/visitor also give their consent, the data could also be used for commercial communication activities relating to offers of additional services of the owner. In this case, the legal basis for processing is the consent expressed by the data subject.
In all other cases, the navigation data is kept for the time strictly necessary to manage the processing activities within the limits set by the law.

Type of data processed and purpose of processing
•    Data deriving from navigation
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the site may acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but, due to its nature, could, through processing and association with third-party data, allow users to be indirectly identified (IP addresses, domain names of the computers used for the connection, operating system and browser used, time data, etc. ..). This data can be used only for statistical information (therefore anonymous) and to check the correct functioning of the site. They are kept for a limited period and cannot be communicated or disseminated.

•     Data provided voluntarily by users/visitors
If users/visitors, connecting to the site, optionally, explicitly and voluntarily enter their personal data to make requests, access services, or subscribe to mailing lists, this will involve the acquisition of any personal data, which will be treated exclusively to satisfy any request or supply of the service. Personal data provided by users/visitors may be disclosed to third parties only if this is implicitly required to satisfy the requests.

•     Data relating to cookies
Cookies are small text strings that the sites you visit deposit on users'/visitors' computers to improve browsing and possibly monitor their use. Some may be re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user, to allow recognition and to improve the functioning of the site, such as cookies that make browsing faster or that show the most interesting content for the user in light of the choices previous. During the navigation on a site, the user can also receive on his terminal cookies that are sent from different websites or web servers (c.d. "third parties").
The user / visitor, on first access, has the possibility to confirm or decline the installation of the cookies available, and / or to view the Cookie Policy, containing all the details and the modalities of manifestation or denial of consent.

Links to third-party sites
The owner reserves the right to use and / or present third-party services on his website. Regarding the management of personal data, the sites of these subjects could adopt different and independent criteria. Therefore, here, the owner declines any responsibility as regards the activities and contents of said linked sites.

Optional supply of data
Apart from that specified for navigation data, users / visitors are free to provide their personal data or decline. Failure to provide them may only make it impossible to obtain the requested service.

Processing methods
Each treatment is carried out through automated tools (e.g. using electronic procedures and supports) and / or manually (for example on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject.
Specific security measures are implemented to prevent the loss, illicit or incorrect use of data, as well as any unauthorized access.

Rights of interested parties
The person to whom the personal data refers has the right at any time, within the limits and under the conditions established by law, to obtain confirmation that a processing of personal data concerning him is being carried out and, in this case, to obtain the access to your data and the following information:
•    purpose of processing;
•    categories of personal data processed;
•    recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data are or may be communicated, in particular if located in third countries or in the case of international organizations;
•    scheduled retention period of personal data or, if not available, criteria used to determine this period;
•    all information available on their origin, in the case of data not collected from the data subject;
•    existence of a possible automated decision-making process, including profiling.

The data subject also has the right to obtain, without undue delay, from the data controller:
•    the correction of personal data that is inaccurate;
•    the integration of incomplete personal data, also providing a supplementary declaration;
•    the cancellation of personal data (within the limits and in the cases provided for by current legislation).
•    limitation of treatment.
•    the possibility to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
In the aforementioned cases, the controller also communicates to each of the recipients to whom the personal data of the interested party have been transmitted, any adjustments, additions, cancellations or limitations of the processing, within the limits and in the forms provided for by the current legislation.
The data subject also has the right to receive the personal data concerning him in a structured format from the holder, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and has the right to transmit such data, without any impediment, to another holder.

The relevant requests must be sent directly to the data controller via the e-mail address
This document, published at, constitutes the Privacy Policy of this site and can be modified periodically. Use of the information collected is subject to the policy in effect at the time of use.

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Via Nuovo Rione Cappuccini 12
80065 - Sant’Agnello (NA) - Italy

+39 081 807 33 55


Code unique: G4AI1U8

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SABRE: YX 285344
IDS: GL 95039
CODE TVA ET IMPÔTS 05463741214
Informations sur la Société
Raison sociale
Siège social
Via Nuovo Rione Cappuccini 12 80065 Sant’Agnello (NA)
Capital social
€ 1.000.000,00